
竹北市博愛街170號2樓 03-5553582





優點: 1.人民很好 (有些人很可愛) 

          2.捷運很方便 (而且很酷)


           4.有可愛的垃圾車音樂 (像冰淇淋車一樣,令人印象深刻)


缺點: 1. 交通混亂 (甚至到了瘋狂的地步,還有人說很高興他還活著),<=原來有這麼誇張!




內容如下: (網路很方便,學英文也很方便 ;

p.s.  文章內容 4=for  , 2=to ,這有點像台灣的火星文!)


Q: Have you ever been to Taiwan?

and did you go to Taipei?if you did did you love it?

sigh,i was there 4 3 months.i want 2 go back SO bad but not in a time

that i can.if u have not been there you should go!!!!!very nice people

and some cute Taiwanies boys (or girls)!

LOL thanks 4 reading this.


i was shoked at the scoters too.it's crazzy!i was also shoked that


 i did not see that many crashes!with all those mopeds i would expect


more acidents to happen!and the toilets....lets


just saythat i'm glad that they do not have then i the US! that is one


thing i will not miss!


did you ride(go on)the MRT? i thought that was SO cool,


very hi-teck,'ya know!god bless!






1.   I have not been there for two years or so, but I would love the chance


       to go back and see all my friends.

      One thing that at first surprised me was the garbage trucks.


      When I first heard one, I thought it was an ice cream truck,


     then I see all these people running out with


      their day's garbage to catch the truck! What memories!



2.  I lived 4 years in Taiwan, it became a second home for me,


     but I'm happy that i went back  to Holland


     Yes it is crazy with the scooters and specially the way


      they drive.....!!!! I'm happy I'm  still  alive.


       Your lucky you didn't see any accidents, but i can tell


      you there are lots every  day. A  couple of times i saw


      them lying on the ground, covered with blood and 2 times they


    were  dead. This is pretty shocking when it happens in front of


    your eyes. Taiwan has a  extremely  high dead rate in the traffic.


   Taiwanese are great and cool people as long they don't drive.


   Personally i think Taiwan is a nice spot to visit if you


   have to be here or you are making  a stopover,


    but I should not advice it for a holiday or


    traveling spot and specially not  if you are  


    searching for relaxation.


   I wish the toilets where as good and clean in Europe!!

